Do your part this Earth Day: Dispose of used test strips and lancets safely

How to do your part this Earth Day:
Dispose of used test strips and lancets safely

Each year on Earth Day, people are encouraged to do their part to help protect the environment. Aside from electricity-saving habits and recycling, proper waste disposal is equally important. This is especially so for people managing diabetes.

Test strips and lancets are a vital part of managing diabetes. However, disposing of them incorrectly can be dangerous to others and the environment. To make the world a better place, here are a few tips on the safe and proper disposal of lancets and test strips you can follow to do your part as well.

Keep out of regular trash and recycling bins

Firstly, it is important never to throw your test strips into the regular trash, regardless of whether they were used or not. These articles pose a potential risk to anyone who accidentally comes in contact with it. These articles are classified as medical waste, and should be dropped off at civic amenity sites or shops offering in-shop take-back (EU Regulation – 2020/C 375/01).
As the disposal regulations and amenities differ from country to country, it is best to check with your municipalities on how to dispose of such medical waste appropriately!

Use puncture-proof containers

When disposing of lancets, always remember to use UN-approved containers designed for sharps. These containers are properly labeled and puncture-resistant, ensuring that waste disposal workers can handle them safely.
If you do not have such containers readily available, you can substitute for metal or plastic boxes with a fastening sealing mechanism. The key is that these sharps should not be able to puncture and protrude out of whatever container you choose. Also, remember to mark such containers appropriately and clearly for others to know the contents!

Plan for your travels

Sharps disposal rules vary from country to country. You will need to ensure that you do not violate the local laws of the area you are traveling in. One way to avoid doing so is to bring along a sharps container with you. This way, you can safely store the sharps until you complete your travels and dispose of them appropriately.


When it comes to diabetes management, it is also important to manage the disposal method of all of your needles, test strips and any other supplies. Spreading environmental awareness and public health of the people around you is one great way to contribute to Earth Day. If there are any uncertainties, do not hesitate to check with your doctor and/or local health department.